Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Now Exhibition at the Gallery

by Meiny Djumharto

by Lestari Suganda

"Beautiful Scene"
by Elia Aryanus

"I Lay My Love On You"
by Cesilia Lindiana

"Rhythm of Leaves # 12"
by Agus Budiyanto


  1. hey friend... amazing paintings... very beautiful. see art has no language... i cannot understand / read your language here... even then i am forced from inside to start following your blog... bcoz art and artists need no language to communicate. cheers :))

  2. well, thanks anyway..
    those painting are from several artist, so you must be see the different character from the paintings.
    yeah, you're right that the arts no need to be understand but to be feel.


About Me

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Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Merupakan Galeri Spesialis cat air. Kami menjual lukisan khususnya lukisan cat air, namun juga ada koleksi lukisan cat minyak dan akrilik. Kami juga menerima order pembuatan frame dan art project.